February 2021 Meeting Minutes Posted on February 18th, 2021 by

PCDEI Full Council – Agenda 

February 17, 2021, 3:30- 4:30 p.m., Zoom Call


Present: President Bergman, Siri Erickson, Tom Flunker, Kathi Tunheim, Ron White, Amy Mukamuri, Carlos Mejia Suarez, Angela Erickson, Kari Eckheart, Pamela Pearson, Marie Walker, Maheema Bokhoree, Alexyx Guidry, Vidya Sivan, Samantha Raghu, Valerie Banschbach, Corrie Odland, Anthony Bettendorf, Monica Mikhaeil, Shannon Halen, Frederick Smith, Daniel Sellers, Corie Odland, Kinzee Salo,  Unable to attend: Margaret Block Qazi


1. Welcome new members: Kinzee Salo, Frederick Smith, and Daniel Sellers, and welcome to all. 

2. Listening Session themes

A brief overview of sessions and the themes that emerged from the sessions.

3. DEI Education 

This has been rolled out and everyone will work on promoting 100% participation.

4. VP timeline and process

We are now at the stage of working on a draft of the job description. 

5. Linnaeus Deliberation Circle update

The circle gave an update to the Board of Trustees at their last meeting – any decision about the name is owned by the board so the role of our circle is to provide scenarios for the board to consider.

6. DEI Ecosystem: stories from campus DEI partners

Working with partners in the marketing office to put a visual on the ecosystem and that work will be published in the next Gustavus quarterly.



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